Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Im 26f just found out i have glaucoma im so scared.?
I went for an normal....eye exam to get contacts and they had me go to an eye doctor because they thought i was a glaucoma suspect, My pressures were very high, i went to the specialiast and after all the tests he walked in and looked at the chart and said you have glaucoma! how old are you? i told him 26..he showed me pictures and said the line of my eyes is thin> thr circle?? i didnt understand all this.. he wants to get a 2nd opinion... i can see ok... i dont feel sick.. am i going blind?? are my eyes going to change there shape... i looked at pix and people w glycoma have bent eyes and pathces,, sorry for the spelling i havnt slept well. if you saw me i look healthy no one has it in my family.. and i got a blood tatse waiting for results.. anyone going throigh this what can i expect??? thanks,, sorry for the odd way of saying all this..
What does General George Patton have to do with "human spirit"?
I have to do a project on General George S. Patton and the main question is , What does my topic (general patton), have to do with/ lift the spirit of "Human Spirit in Times of War" (1920's through the 1940's)? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if clarification is needed, I will gladly help clarify.
Anyone ever use Tommee Tippy or Nuby bottles?
For me, I went through just about every bottle there is I LOVE Dr. Browns no gas no air they are great. they do take some getting use to because of the multiple parts but once you get the hang of it you will love them. I nursed for only 3wks I had some complications so I had to bottle feed and it turned out she had severe acid reflux these bottles was a life saver....
Why do many people like to act like the morality police?
Maybe it is that instinct to nurture run amuck? Because I notice that the men who do the same tend to have strong fathering tendencies too. You know that guy you grew up with and always acted like he was your big brother, even though you were the same age? I know several of those guys and I love them to death, but they and chicks like them do tend to get into your private business. I have a female friend we call "Mama D", because she will mother you to death if you let her. It can be annoying, but it can also be very sweet. Most times people really do care if they bother to confront you personally. You just have to remember that you are free to ignore them and go about your business.
Why did God make stupid people? Ever wondered?
Sometimes it seems ignorant people come out of the woodworks (especially when having a bad day) for no other reason but to express their stupidity my way, which catches me off guard, I react, and then they're gone. I know I should brush it off each time but sometimes I feel like "WTF.. ?!!"
Which of the following amendments did NOT extend the right to vote? was it the Tenth Fifteenth Nineteenth?
Fifteenth Amendment gave voting rights to former slaves. The Nineteenth Amendment extended it to women. 10th Amendment has to do with states' rights, not voting.
Me and my best friend want to be something good for halloween. [read on]?
I think it would be cute if you made a heart out of cardboard, and then cut it down the middle in a zig-zag line with a "Best" on one side, and a "Friends" on the other. You could attatch them to yourselves with tape or elastic or velcro or something, wearing plain black for normal clothing. Then when you put yourselves together, you would make a heart that says "Best Friends"
How to get to UBC Okanagan by bus?
i live in Lower Mainland and it is too far for my parents to drive me there, so does anyone knows how to get there by bus?
Help me find out what fish this is please?
It looks like something in the Jack family. Beyond that, I'm afraid I don't know. The North Sea is a bit outside my neighborhood (I live a few miles from the Gulf of Mexico).
What do Protestants think of the Church Fathers?
I like your insight... Iranaeus I do not agree with because he bashed the Gnostics with five huge volumes against them (Iranaeus Against Heresies)... some of the church fathers are responsible for what we have today and should be viewed accordingly, that is, chaos in the religious world.... others were simply snuffed out in favour of the ongoing political movement of that time (the black iron empire never died)... it takes a very determined individual to investigate and chop through the dawn... and by the way, grace (sanskrit: prasada) from the sanskrit root sad with the prefix pra, "to become clear or calm" a condition that once attained is not easily forsaken....absolutely not ever meant to be a means of salvation shifted onto the shoulders of an older brother, Jesus the first born among many brethren, and make him responsible for the dark shadows in each one's heart...... another evolving brother
Did you know that the government does not take in enough money to pay 1 government employee's wages?
Yes, static numbers paint a dire picture. Entitlements must be addressed and dynamic solutions must be implemented to grow us out of this problem.
Drugs drugs drugs legalize it all,whats your thoughts?
prohibition works very well in my country. you sell drugs, its automatic death penalty. you be surprised how few people are willing to risk death to peddle narcotics. nobody wants to sell the stuff. in the last few years most death penalty convictions for narcotics have been for tourists, proving our population is beginning to learn. i do not see drug addicts on my streets, or have the need to lock my car door or house door. for that I thank my government.
WHEn You liKE soME onE ANd DOEsNT kNOw How to SHow IT....?
what should i do? i qet very very very nervous arounnd the males i like. i do not want that to happen. i want to be friendly & show them that i am a great female. they usually make the moves first but i wanna take a chance and do the same. or should i stay back in my shell and let them do it? help:)
Why didn't God inspire the writers of the Bible to accurately depict the creation of the earth?
Because it only makes sense that a perfect God would have the one doent read by and inspiring millions of people written by imperfect humans and translated into thousands of languages and variations that poorly describe the events portrayed in it. Seriously. Get a life. :)
Can you wear a tank top over your bikini top at boomerang bay?
I'm going to King's Island in a few weeks, & we're going to chill at Boomerang Bay. (: Do they allow you to keep your tank top ontop of your bikini top while on the rides?
David Hume's causality?
I’m wondering if someone can give me a list of David Hume’s objections against the legitimacy of causal claims? I know he doesn’t agree with our perception of causality, but I’m at a loss for a simple list of reasons. I think that there are more than three.
Which name do you like the best?
Ariel Corinne Jones...I think the name Alaina looks too confusing...you wonder how to pronounce it...Ariel is not a common name, but you know what it is when you see it...it is pretty...not a lot of letters, so it will be easy to learn how to spell:)
Kinda gross..but is this bug harmful to my toddler?!?
Last night I noticed this little brown bug that had two little 'pinchers' that curved as a tail..I think it is called an 'earwig' in my home. This is the first time I have ever seen this but is it harmful to my daughter? I have heard the whole superstition about they crawl into ears and eat brain matter but that's just a superstition, correct? So, my question is is it a harmless bug..or should I call a exterminator to come out? I've never seen one in my home before last night, so I am sure if there is one there are more.
Black anime characters (not racist)?
Ever since WW1 Soldiers took over Japan, the Japanese culture has been completly affected by the American Culture. Probably because much of it was brought over there. Plus many things like fashion, food, television, music are very similar to ours because Japan has been deeply influenced by it. Such as McDonalds, KFC, American Clothes (Gap, Calvin Klein, and so on), plus rock and pop has also been influenced by american music but Japan has also made it their own style as well (like J-pop, and Visual Kei). As to your Plastic Surgery question, the japanese have this surgery with their eyes to make there eye lids not fold and to undo the fold. It has become a famous surgery trend that not having that eye fold makes you look prettier. One reason why that has become popular is probably because of American Celebrities and American Films being brought over to Japan.
Please read...Lawyers could help?
my friends made this video making fun of this teacher and my principal found out and they got two OSS's(out of school suspensions) and my principal was like....ur lucky im not sueing u for ual harrasment...could they rly sue my friends?
Looking for keylogger software?
I'm looking for something like a keylogging software, but i only want it to track what keystrokes i make on my computer. Could somone link me too one?
Is this real reason 0bama wants HCR ped so desperately?
He wants p it so he can sign Osama Bin Laden up and finally kill him off with his kidney condition and take full credit and end this overseas contingency thing or whatever he calls it?
What is going on with my body???
It seems like my waist is shrinking...I'm now down to 170-175 pounds, wear anything between a size 32-34 depending on cut and type of material pants are made from, and I have little or no excess fat on my body. I had a very serious appendectomy, almost died as a result of a rupture and infection, about 1 1/2 ago and I can't get a perfect, flat stomach because of the way my 7 inch incesion was stiched and grew back together. Since then I don't eat as much as I used to and coupled with that I'm been really stressed out for the last 3 months because of personal issues surrounding my parents. What could be going on??? Why am I losing weight in bunches??? I sleep perfectly fine, but I'm always on the go whether it be at work or when I'm out. I'm 25 and feel like I'm healthy, I even ask people a lot whether I look thin or slim.
Do/Will I have good enough credentials for UC Berkeley?
I'm going to be a junior in high school after this summer, live in Oregon, I'm ranked in the top quarter of my cl, 3.5 GPA freshman year, 3.73 GPA sopre year, 3.63 ulative GPA, all on a 4.0 scale, aiming for a 4.0 final two years and I know I will get it, play on the basketball and baseball team and will through high school, 40 hours volunteer work and shooting for 150 by end of high school,2 years of leadership, 2 years as a cl officer(secretary both times), need 24 credits to graduate and i will finish with 31, taking honors english, AP English, AP Biology, AP Calculus(these are all the AP cles my school offers), also took a CP math cl, 3 years of Spanish, 4 years of math, science, and history, shooting for a 2000(or higher) on SAT and a 30 on ACT. I have the most dedication to attend this school, and I have contacted some admission officers just to let them know about me and so I will "be in their heads."
Are the Leap test and the I Leap test graded different. I think I the I Leap test is harder(grade wise)?
I took the I leap test last year and made Basic on both parts, I usually have mastery in english. This really upset me. But this year i am taking the GEE test. I looked at the score levels and I made like a 360 on the I leap, that would have been mastery on the I Leap, the score levels haven't changed have they?
Why did i shake when i saw him?
What your describing sounds like a good ual attraction and you had a bit of an Eye is what my friends and I call it. Its pretty normal when you are attracted to someone and you both make eye contact and smile. There is nothing wrong with you for having this and there is no reason you have to act ually upon it, but being aware of that feeling is helpful when you do decide to become ual with someone and it makes it more intense.
Where can I make a free website?
I made a template at wix.com, but where can I find a free webhosting service (like weebly) that supports Wix? I don't mind having a subdomain. Thanks for the help.
Leopard gecko eating habits?
Leopard Geckos eat insects and they love to hunt their prey. Most Leopard Geckos will eat the insects from a food bowl. But, some prefer to have the insects running loose on the floor of their tank so they can hunt and eat them. Leopard Geckos are sometimes picky eaters and will prefer one type of insect over the others. The Leopard Gecko will also fast (go without food) in the adult stages and can do so for up to one month at a time. But fasting is not something your Leopard Gecko will do often. The adult Leopard Gecko will only need to eat once every other day, so don't panic if they haven't eaten in a couple of days. The Leopard Geckos tail is were they store their energy in the form of fat. The tail should be plump and the adult tail should resemble the head of the Gecko. When your Gecko is not eating the tail should remain fat and if the tail starts to get thin and loose its fatness, then you should start to keep an eye on them and if the Gecko is not eating within a day or two you should take them to the vet.
Is there an age limit to buying this kind of tea tree oil?
i don't think so, te tree oil is used for skin infections... glue you can get high off of. i don't think there would be a reason for them not to sell it to you.
How long before someone is diagnosed with Shingles are they contagious?
Ok I've looked here and on the net but no one seems to know what the incubation stage is on Shingles. Someone I know was diagnosed today with Shingles and the doctor didn't say how long she was contagious....I worry about my mother in law because she was with this person last week and the MIL is not in a healthy state as it is. Thank you in advance!
Would John Steward make a better president than Bush?
Steward sat down today with the president of Pakistan. They laughed, they talked politics, and they didn't try to kill each other. I think Steward's deplomacy could go a long way in the UN.
Was ronald reagan a crook or was george bush 1st the real crook that tryed to blame it on oly?
G.H.W.Bush was the President who signed the US on to UN Agenda 21. That was the beginning of the end to US sovereignty. Every President since then has continued to expand the presence of Agenda 21 (Sustainable Development) in the US. They are all traitors.
My cousin is having twins can you help them choose name?
Kelly and Nicholas are great :)(: Kelly and Miles, Kelly and Orion, Kelly and Charlie, Kelly and Benjamin, Kelly and Oliver, Kelly and Elliot
YuGiOh: Crystal Beasts Vs Rainbow Dragon?
Creating a fast rainbow dragon deck is pretty impossible because it's not very playable, it was meant for fans of gx. That said cb abundance is the fastest and most powerful cb deck.
Why are there so few political debates?
We don't really have debates, where each states their position on an issue and gets to make their best argument against the other's position. What we have is entertainment, where they endlessly repeat their talking points, whether or not they make sense, and even if (as in Sarah Palin's case) they are ignoring the questions they are asked and talking about something that has nothing to do with it. ∠°)
What is the best way to up the alcohol content of a homebrew beer?
what type of yeast should I use in a stout? I heard that champaign yeast works well....I dont want it to screw up the flavor very much though
Monday, August 15, 2011
How much information should one divulge on medical history forms?
Hi! Hmm.. I could not blame your parents too because we have to protect our privacy in every way possible. On the other hand, you also have a point because medical information is very important but also consider the effects of this. Although it is the responsibility of the college medical facility to keep all information confidential, you can never know what could go wrong. The Question is not about whether you are ashamed to tell of your past problems, it may be a question of your safety and welfare in the college. :) Nonetheless, It is always good to tell the truth especially when it comes to heath. :)
Is this an appropriate informative speech topic for my communication cl?
Well, what I'm really wondering if you think it's interesting enough to hold their attention? I'm having some doubts on the topic which is Intergovernmental Agencies (i.e. United Nations, Interpol, World Health Organization, etc.) My first choice was to present on the good/bad effects of caffeine, but I found this to be...too typical.
What does "You're in suspension!" mean?
I'm from the U.S., and I'm hoping that someone from the U.K. can help me to understand something that I heard in a song by the Pistols (Liar). The quote in a fuller context is "You're in suspension. You're a liar." I have no idea what "You're in suspension." means. Here we often use the adjective "suspended": students can be suspended from schools, employees or athletes can be (temporarily) suspended for doing something wrong or breaking rules, etc. Events can also be temporarily suspended. We also use the noun "suspension", but rarely the prepositional phrase "in suspension". In any case, I have no idea what that means in the context of this song. As a teenager, I wrongly umed that the singer was saying "You're in suspicion" because you would logically consider suspicious anything said by a person that lies as a common practice (even though we would typically say "under suspicion" and not "in suspicion"). I find it interesting now how many things were said in other songs that went completely "over my head" so to speak because these are words or expressions that are not used or even understood in the U.S. Here are some others that I encountered. "I'm no dog's body!" (I'm no gofer!), "chalk and cheese" ("as different as night and day" or "apples and oranges"). I also found odd their reference to a "shopping scheme" (shopping trip? or shopping outing?) because the word "scheme" in the U.S. often has a bad connotation (meaning a devious plot or something similiar, although it sometimes has other meanings). By the way, we spell "gofer" with an "f" to distinguish it from "gopher" (the rodent) because it comes from the words "go for" (i.e. your errand boy who goes somewhere for you)
Homeland Security: a pack of lying idiots?
We should all band together and email the Whitehouse to Bush and then give it a week and call the local news reporters from the are it happened. Second thought we can do this from any area and contact one of our own local reporters to do a follow-up story. These men should be freed, this is a injustice for what the men did everyday, not knowing what illegal they were dealing with. Isn't this why they were hired to do their jobs? Where is this drug dealer, is this illegal drug dealer walking our streets???
Who name great comedy movies?
i agree. that movie is a clic. i also agree with you about the Adam Sandler movies. i actually just got done watching the wedding singer.
Which English do you like?
Because you and New Zealanders are the later period of Briton.But now the US is the strongest country in the world.I wonder which English do you prefer?Or which English do you always speak?
Which NBA teams have the Best and Worst fans?
i think Lakers have the Best fans and the Sacremento Kings have the worst fans. I say Lakers because fans take pride like that time they were losing on christmas to the Cavs the fans were throwing banners and foam finger on the court. And Kings have the worst fans because people just go there for the $1 beer . I'm from Philly and people have no pride in our team even though we have A.I. back. other students mess with me for liking the Sixers But i don't care. But the best fans to me are Lakers,Celtics,Cavaliers,Magic,Suns, and Spurs. And Worst are Kings,NETS,Knicks,Sixers,Hawks, and Bulls
World War 2 Comedy Film?
I'm trying to find this old black and white movie about WW2. I've never seen the whole thing but I remember a scene where one of the american soldiers is dressed like a German scientist and challenges the colonel to yank his beard to prove it's fake. The colonel backs off, but then one of his superiors walks in saying that the REAL scientist is still in Germany and chastises the Colonel. Afterwards the Colonel screams out for his aide Schultz. It's a little vague and there might be a few errors, but this is as much as I remember. If someone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
What the he'll is wrong with me?! (please only read if you are mature)?
There is nothing wrong with you that is just your fantasies, everyone is different and everyone has fantasies.
What kind of person treats women like so? right or wrong?
this guy i hang around with from cl, seems not to be discriminate when talking to men or women.what i mean is he does not hold is tungue. he doesnt have any courtesy for women,and treats them like men,when talking to them.or hell just walk in fron of them,not opening the door for them, like most men do etc..like,something was wrong with his tab at the bar last night and he was talking to the girl bar tender with out any kind of shame or delicacy for her,he was being very blunt and brash.some things that women do to embar or make a man react a certain way,just do not affect him,like he could care less that they are women. is this fair?
Can you give me some cool ascii art names for msn plz?
if you google ascii art you will find a number of web sites that will help you find what your looking for
Who is prettier: Angelina or Jennifer?
Jennifer Aniston. I have a hard time seeing someone without moral values (Angelina Jolie) as pretty.
Can Muslim men cover their face too?
yes if they want to they can, but luckily for us allah created the women more in control of her ual desires, for example you never hear about a man getting d by a women. also muslim men can not wear jewelry, makeup or silk.
Making a doll house...any ideas for...?
How about a nursery next, you can make a cradle using matchsticks, use the large matchsticks for the sides and base and smaller ones for the head and foot of the cradle. a bit if glue and imagination will help table ,lockers etc can all be made the same way. Rugs and curtains can be made from material ,stick felt on the back for the rugs, and attach curtains to lolli pop sticks to fix up to windows. A cot can be made with the lolly pop sticks and matches as well
COD4 wont intall on my computer?
i installed cod4 once on my laptop and it worked but then i had to uninstall it. Now when i put the cd into my laptop it comes up with the Cod4 screen and says play singleplayer , multiplayer and uninstall even though i already unstalled it. help please! im running windows 7
Shouldn't we cut the tax on cigarettes and instead tax people who are too fat?
Recent data has shown that people who smoke die younger and quicker than others and thus draw less on our overburdened social safety nets. Obese people on the other hand tend to kick around a lot longer and cost more in the way of both medical coverage and social security payments. The whole point of taxes on cigarettes is to recoup money the state has to spend on people who are living an unhealthy lifestyle but in reality, smokers cost less without even including the taxes paid.
Would someone die? if they eat this?
What will happen if someone ate some silica gells that said do not eat! That some in that small white bag
Advice!! PLEZ?
My best friend that calls me big sis is in major trouble......Her bf cheated on her with her ex bff and did stuff with her other bff and she still wants to give him another chance and he stood her up 9xs!! She keeps getting her ova him it pains me to see her like that...me and another bestie talked to her telling her dont run back to some1 who she knows who would hurt her....Bt she keeps standing up for him IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF! HE cheated on her for the 3rd tym! I told her that he tried to kiss me and she wouldnt belive me until he admitted and when she found out he did sum thangs wit our othr sistr n talked dirty to me all she said was hes a boy he should be horny......IDK WAT TO DO ITS REALLY PISSIN ME OFF
What the heck? I just heard the most freaking?
yes, i've heard those ads too. It's a disgrace how these companies are trying to profit from things like this by making it seem like you're sick or abnormal.
HOW were Ian Paisley and Martin McGuiness allowed into USA recently?
Because here in America it depends on who you are most of the time. It doesn't matter if you Prime Minister came over with a bomb strapped to him and walked around they would all smile and turn their head. But if you or me did that, common folk, well- we would be shot dead. It's the stupid annoying American way. This county has gone to pot.
Which is the better course for B.SC BIOTECHNOLOGY in future?
Hi i am k.vijay and i am completed B.sc biotechnology in 2005 and i am working in unique bio tech limited as Effluent treatment plant as lab chemist and i need purse a course for further my future so which is better for biotechnology in future whether M.SC OR MBA ?
If you are not getting answers from your Dr.find another. This is a very painful disease and treatment is available. When I was diagnosed with it i was put on birth control pills. I don't know if they still do this.. They may use the newer drug lupin if your symptoms are severe. Good luck to you!!
Can Some One Help Me With Myspace ?
i need help with the about me bit on myspace i cant make it bold, italics or underline and i cant make the text bigger or smaller can some one help me please, if u have msn i can do it over that :) thanks x
Sunday, August 14, 2011
I.Q testing for adults?
My condolences and Christian love go out to you and your wife, my Friend. It sounds as though you have a case, and you're right: the attorney should know. Sorry I can't be of more help. Agape, Brother.
I have sent my pport to UAE for visa cancellation n i have a job waiting for me in uae?
You will receive a ban only if you breached the UAE Labour Law. I.e. not resigning properly, not fulfilling a limited contract etc.
I have this horizontal crease/wrinkle right between my eyes it is making me look mad all the time?
It's as if this this flap of skin is collapsing right between my eyes near the nose of nose that makes me look pissed off. How can I get rid of this. Is cosmetic surgery the only way? Are there are any creams that can help this furrow? When I pull my forehead up and hold it I look normal but when I release it it returns to an angry look. I've tried holding my forehead skin up for 1-2 hours at a time and it remains normal for like 10 minutes and then reverts back to the angry look. I'm so frustrated what can I do?
Can I get in Dartmouth through philosophy alone?
I want to apply to ivy leagues school. But my GPA and SAT scores are no where close to meeting the requirements. I have however a strength in philosophy, and I am writing a book on Philosophy right now. Will Dartmouth or other ivy league colleges accept people with only one special talent?
Do I have bed bugs or fleas?
Flea eggs take around two days to two weeks to hatch. Most treatments don't kill all the eggs so a second application is sometimes warranted. Bites just on the ankles are usually not caused by bedbugs, however chiggers are a second possibility especially if you been walking through tall gr known to carry chiggers.
Why does the liberal media still target mistakes from the Bush administration?
Its' like they(CNN, NBC, CBS, etc.)continue to target the Bush administration to downplay to inadequacies of the Obama administration. If you have ever watched an Obama press conference, when he takes questions he(or anyone in his admin. for that matter)always dodges questions asked by Fox News reporters. Is it because they don't know how to answer RELEVANT questions? To all of you who made fun of the way that George Bush stuttered during his speeches, I hope you listened to Good Ol' B-Rock last night. "Ahhh" and "Ummm" ran rampant through that speech like a bull in a china shop; oddly enough most of that speech was BULL! What do you fine folks think?
Intalling sunroof? Yes or No ?
People are telling me that it will leek, get rust and that my insurance will go up. So should i do it? Is tgat true?
Is there a one-word description for the Bush presidency?
I have tried: The Arrogant Presidency, The Petulant Presidency, The Ghastly Presidency,...Grisly, Bizarre, Horrific, Genocidal, but none quite capture the churlishness of the man. What word would you use? And why?
Vampire Diaries?!?!?!?!?!?
I absolutely love the vampire diaries!! I like twilight but not the movie. I love the books. But this show is awesome. I love stephan. Damon is annoying....... but you have to have the drama.
What does this mean in Macbeth?(2.2.70-73)?
‘Tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil. If he do bleed I’ll gild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt(2.2.70-73)
FOR EXPERIENCED PLUMBERS ETC..Bathtub leak at the corner of the tub?
the floor is spongy and is apparently rotting in that one spot...the caulking did not work. What should be done?
Is this any better than the old one?
For the more basic stuff yes. However HD movies would be pushing it for this computer as would multitasking.
I have an intense phobia of aging and I want to reverse my age to 12 since i look 12?
maybe you're just stressed out. go out with friends and get a boyfriend. everyone is different but if you have suicidal thoughts, that's alarming, consult a psychiatrist. also tell your mom about this, it helps if u have a strong support system.
THE ILIAD relationship between the mortals and the gods?
where in Homer's The Iliad are there examples of submissive acts by the gods toward the mortals? One example is when athene ASKS if she can persuade Pandoros to shoot Menelaus with an arrow in book 4. I know there are other examples of this else where in the Iliad but i am having trouble finding them. would anyone else know by chance?
I am so hypomanic(need help)?
You mentioned that you are creative and have a million ideas. You should take up art. No matter what you're feeling, it will give you a creative outlet where you can express yourself. Turn this into a positive thing for you, and others.
Why do alot of adults say that u and them will do 1 thing in town when they know theyve got more to do?
my parents took me to the barbershop they said thats all we were going to do then we drive to wal-mart and get things we dont need why do they do this
Funny!!!!milk it baby!!!!
hahahahahahhahahhahahaha hilarious!!! we need more funny users like u who can post a really good joke!! hey ur the same guy who posted the other 2 jokes! keep it up!
What small animal/vermin has poop that is small (less than 1/2"), thin (like a worm) and has a white dot?
I have a small court yard infront of my house which is enclosed by a waist high brick wall. Every morning there are about 5 - 7 of these poops there. There is ivy in the planter which is in front of this wall so I thought perhaps that these were mouse or rat droppings, but I put rat poison and rat traps with cheese on the wall and the droppings continue - even in the poison tray! And the cheese on the traps was never disturbed.
Who designed disease?
I think the standard fundamentalist answer is that diseases are the result of sin. Though this still doesn't explain why perfectly harmless babies are born with horrible diseases.
What are the legal responsibilities of a Crown Court Judge (in murder trial) providing opinion after verdict?
Crown Court Judge provides opinion over Jurors' verdict ie "You made the right decision..."
Do I have OCD or am I just not quite right?
sounds like anxiety, and alot of unnessry thinking...if your at least 18 maybe go to a psychiatrist and explain this to them, and they can help you out.
I spent a lot of time in my English course untill Advanced level, How can I turn fluency? What I do ?
Become an exchange student and then you will be forced to speak it on a daily basis. Talk only English, is the way of doing it.
Harajuku Lovers bags, wut do u think of them?
They both look kinda the same to me, but I think they're really cute! You should so get one! I would :)
I hear the best way to get Japanese citisenship for an American is to Teach English, how do you go about it?
What I mean is what are the Job requirements to being an English instructor in Japan. What do they expect you to teach, because our English cles are not like our foreign language cles, so is Japan the same or do they use the same style English cles we have. In other words is it teaching to read, write, and speak well enough to understand a foreigner, or is it teaching the nitty gritty stuff that a novelist would want to know?
Why does Pat Hughes leave in the 5th - Chicago question?
On WGN radio in chicago...pat hughes always leaves Ron Santo in the 5th inning and Corey Provist replaces him...for 1 inning....why?
Evaluation of team statistics please?
You will have to forgive the fact that I know very little about these two teams, but based purely on the statistics given in the links (I'm uming they are only tournament stats) I would say The Netherlands holds a slight edge. The Netherlands looks to be the better hitting team top-to-bottom in their line-up, although Chinese Taipei has done reasonably well. The pitching for both teams seems pretty even. The only concern for The Netherlands would be their defense - they seem prone to committing errors. If it is a low scoring game, which it could be with those pitching staffs, then defense could play a very important role - any errors made could cost either team the game.
Mountain bike hubs and wheels?
i want to get a new rear wheel for my mtb. but i dont know what to get i want a Chris king hub or any hub that makes those sweet noises when not pedaling. should i just buy a new rim or should i just get a hub and have someone install it on my old rim. the hubs are just expensive as the rims but i don't want to waist so much money can someone tell me good company that makes nice sounding hubs.
Any good female fragrances out?
Honestly i havnt smelled that many perfumes ...LOL im sure there are some good ones out there...but my ma has always bought me glow by jlo...and I love the smell...its reasonable in cost...and it really does smell good...its not those strong cheap floral smells that give you a ahead ache ...its warm and y smelling...i suggest it...i love it and my sister hates it...she likes those cheap sweet floral smelling ones...LOL so if your girlfriend likes really sweet perfumes she might not like it.
How do you deal with a boyfriend that thinks low of you?
he's borderline or simply a psychopath. He's trying to make you feel worse about yourself so that you feel that you'd never do better than him. Give him the flick immediately or you'll spend a significant part of your life being miserable and the remainder wishing you got rid of him earlier.
Christian Rock - What's your opinion?
I don't have any problem with Christian music, I love most of it. It doesn't mean I like the message. I like the sound of it.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
If I sue my boss who was fired, do I have to abide by the arbitration clause in my employment contract?
This is based in California. My boss was fired for creating a hostile work environment and ual harment. Since she was fired, I have filed a civil complaint against her for intentional infliction of emotional distress and actual damages for extortion. Her lawyer is saying she is protected under the arbitration clause even though she is not employed by the company. I still work for the company but I am not naming the company in the complaint. Do I have to arbitrate with someone who committed unlawful acts during their employment, who no longer works for the company and the suit is against them personally for what they did while my boss (which was partially unlawful and partially against public policy)?
Help guy-bff troublr. i've kinda been crushing on him 4 a while now!!but deres a twist to da sutuation =/ ?
i hav dis frnd.i met him in 7th grade n almst immediatley began crushing on him. dat yr we werent relly frnds. 8th grd we got a bit closer n my crush got bigger. 9th grade i liked him even more but he announced dat he wuz gay. i wuz hurt but my crush didnt go away. we became bff n i told him bout my crush but also told him dat it wuz over. wen it actually wasnt. im about to start 10th grade n he is still my bff. shud i tell him dat i lied n im still crushin on him. even though it wuldnt relly matter bc hes gay?! =/ oh n by da way he doesnt act gay at all =p
What is the magnitude of the average net force that acts on the box during colision?
Airplane flight recorders must be able to survive catastrophic crashes. Therefore, they are typically encased in crash-resistant steel or titanium boxes that are subjected to rigorous testing. One of the tests is an impact shock test, in which the box must survive being thrown at high speeds against a barrier. A 41 kg box is thrown at a speed of 230 m/s and is brought to a halt in a collision that lasts for a time of 5.8 ms
I have a Acer Aspire 3620 Notebook and I am wondering what video cards are compatible with my pc?
Because it's a notebook, your stuck with the Intel Express graphics hardware. Desktops are more upgradeable.
Driver for Stepper motor?
from where can i get the driver for tripple wired and 5 wire stepper motors ?can i use these brushless motors in my rc toys..?
Do you think President Obama should p a law that outlaws guns that kill people?
No, not another 3000 page bill, that nobody reads, but only mentions guns "once"on page 2999````````````````````````````````````…
What are your thoughts about this article? (For the men, BY a woman)?
Totally agree, that sums up all my hopes and fears. I am the father of my family. My wife knows it, my daughters know it, and soon my son will know it.
What PS3 game should I get? I highly enjoyed games such as Uncharted 2, Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Dexter, Ratch?
Well Uncharted 3 is going to be amazing, so you can wait for that, i personally cant wait for L.A. Noire, look it up seems sweet
My fiance gets these energy splurges at night....?
I do the same thing. My dr. diagnosed me with an anxiety disorder. Also, tell him to avoid caffeine after 5pm.
Should I blow dry or air dry?
Hello I just got Aussie Shampoo Moist and I just wanted to know if should blow dry or air dry my hair to get the desired, silky softness effect.
How can atheists and non-christians explain my vision?
I have dreams on a regular basis, probably when I was ten also. I remember having several "visions" that I was flying. What does it mean when you're being chased in a dream and you cannot run?
Pronunciation of Kazimierczuk?
It's a polish last name. I know how to say the first past but it is the CZUK that I always have trouble with. The start is KAZ-I-MIER but I dont know if the last part would be CHECK or something else. I hope someone can help!
Does he faaancccy me? (:?
Yes he totally does he sounds like a nice guy so go for it and by the way thanks for your answer on mine :)
Would you consider this an eating disorder?
Yes. Those are all clic symptoms of anorexia. Please talk to your parents or a counselor/teacher at school. Anorexia can kill you. It strains all of your internal organs and can lead to heart attacks (yes even as a teenager) and other organ failure. You are definitely NOT fat. You are dangerously skinny. Anorexia is a disease that is very hard to kick on your own. Please get some help. There is no shame in ask for help when you need it. You aren't alone. <3
Ex doesnt know I can see but he is still checkin the email add i set up 4 our talks int he past.Why?
My ex dumped me while pregnant,long story, ugly terms. Hehas been an emotional abuser for 4 years, with deep seated problems ( abused as a child, now still living with his mum at 29, drink, mayb edrugs, liesetc).He dumped me but I gained the upper hand by not reacting with shock and hurt as before, but with a fed up indifferent 'whatever I'm gone too cya'. He doesnt know I can see but he is still checkin the email addie I had set up yrs ago for our communication( he usually doesntuse internet). Why is he doing it?
What is a certified cashiers check?
Hi can anyone tell me what a "certified cashiers check" is? Because I was selling an item on craigslist and this guy emailed me saying he would send me a certified cashiers over night and then have his shipper would come pickup the item at my house. I don't exactly understand him. Can anyone explain this?
What is a good song for a video about boredom?
I'm with an organization at my campus that is making videos for a recruitment informational this year. The theme of one of our videos is how lame/boring one's life would be if they weren't in our organization and I cant think of a good song to play for the clips of when we're doing really lame/boring things. This video is supposed to be humorous and any workable contributions would be greatly appreciated!
Do you athiests know that the founder of the Red cross was a christian?
I won't hold that against him. I appreciate the efforts of all do-gooders, even if they're saddled with the yoke of religion.
What type of dog should i get?
I don't know wat type of dog to get... I'm getting a dog pretty soon... But I don't know wat to pick!! Plz help me choose which kind of dog to pick!! thx!! (i don't really care wat dog it is as long as its cute and loveable thx!)
Can Ahmadis / Qadianis answer?
hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet of GOD. No nabi is came after him and nobody will come till the day of judgement.
Still desperate to pick the perfect name!?
Griffin Thomas is adorable! Definitely the best name. Ramsay and Booker sound way too much like surnames to me, and Duval just reminds me of duvet. Griffin Thomas is super cute. :]
What do you do when your gronded?
im not ment to use this but my sister let me uze hur laptop im so bored this is stuped im gronded for a month im gunnar dye im so bored im 14
The G, B E(High E) string keep going flat can anyone tell me how to fix this please i think it may be a problem with the Tun-O-Matic Bridge
If you have no criminal/felony convictions and are charged with forgery will u go to prison?
I have no criminal or felony record or arrrests, but am currently waiting for summons regarding forgery charges. I am a single parent with a baby who requires heart surgery. What is the likelihood of me going to prison, given this is a first offense and I have no record? I live in arizona.
VIRTUAL WORLDS ????????????
http://www.meez.com/ is the best ever if i had these many thumbs i would give it 2,899,999 thumbs up
Awfully small tank forall those fish. The tetras usually stick with there own, and i wouldn't mix them. I have a 20 gallon with 10 zebra Dino's and 10 black neon tetras,and its cool to see them school together. Fishes alone can get stressed and hide.
I have a 2000 Jaguar XJ8. What is causing an engine noise (sort of like a motorcycle) whenever I accelerate?
You have an exhaust leak, either in the exhaust system, or at the manifold. By your 'Harley' reference I would suspect the manifold. You might be lucky and just be able to replace the gasket, but the labor involved would not be cheap. But in all honesty, manifolds crack more often that manifold gaskets fail.
Symbol for Corruption or being tainted?
I pretty much want the opposite of the fleur-de-lis. the opposite of Purity and im thinking something standing for corruption (not having to do with government) or being tainted or something. Any ideas?
Need translation of hebrew or yiddish to english?
Someone wrote these words on a jewish blog. I believe it is phonetic hebrew and possibly from the Torah. Here are the words, "godel hamachtio yoser mihorgo". Need the english translation.
Did you hear about the mall shooting in Omaha, Nebraska?
I just tuned into CNN & heard that a manhunt is underway for a man, in a green vest, carrying a rifle who has shot five people. The shooting took place in the Von Maur Dept. store. How horrible!!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
The French soccer team is composed of 9 Africans - the team captain was born in Ghana- isn't france ashamed to?
France has made shambles with its ridiculous human rights policies. The Countries president is a Hungarian. The present minister cabinet contains Arabs and Africans. there is no French identity any more. Where is Europe going to with this influx of other cultures ?
Am I Being a Good Parent? Should I be worried about my brother?
remind him of all the things he said before he got with her. remind him he could find someone WAY better than her too!maybe he will make the right decision on his own! point out how much you don't like each other.
What are your reqirments for someone to purchase a puppy?
I'm not a breeder but rather a shelter volunteer. Our requirements for any animal is that the animal must have a sufficient living area, access to indoors in the harsh temperatures, all family members and household buts must demonstrate positive interaction prior to the animal leaving the facility, for dogs the yard must be fenced in with at least a 6 ft fence and no holes, they can not leave until they are spay or neutered, they must p a background check, and if they require special needs that are expensive we do a credit check. We also do at least two follow-up visits which the owners have to agree to. If anything violates the contract then we take the pet back and if need be press charges. Luckily we haven't had to do that as long as I've been there. I'm sorry to hear what happened to you but I'm glad you are taking steps to make sure it doesn't happen in the future. Good luck.
How long would it take to cross, by car from one coast of your country to the other?
I live on East Coast, South Island, New Zealand and went to a family funeral on West Coast, thru Southern Alps. Travelled most of way at 100 kmph except for Arthurs p thru the Alps speed ranged from 25 -80 kmph
How to make real crisp French fries?
I can cook anything, except french fries. I think they are the hardest thing there is to cook. I have tried everything. Russet potatoes, blanching them, triple frying, peanut oil, putting on the fridge for 30 mins, boiling, crisco shortening, warm water with sugar... I am sick of reading the same bs over and over. There is a secret to making restaurant french fries and I want to know, if you are a restaurant chef or a cook, please tell me.
Do you think Gary Busey should win iest man alive?
I was just wondering because I think Gary Busey is the hottest little piece of Pumpkin Pie. He has such luscious lips and I would love to pull on that *** all day.
Okay so in a few weeks my family is taking a trip to nyc and my mom & I are planning to hit alot of the stores along 5th/madison ave. such as Barneys, Bergdorfs, Bloomingdales, Bendels, Macys, Tiffanys, etc. However, our shopping budget is pretty tight (for nyc) I have about $400 to spend on clothes. Obviously that's barely going to cover an outfit from any of the stores i mentioned, even from the sales racks. So if you live in nyc or know of some great places to shop for good deals (I'm not talking walmart or Kohls, I want something like Century21 where you can find deals on nice designer wear) Since I want to get the most for my money I'd like reccomendations of outlets or stores that sell nice clothes for cheaper prices, not just generally cheap stores though like H&M, etc. And something on the Upper East Side or midtown manhattan or just a few blocks away would be great, thanks. (Woodbury Common is wayy to far.) Also is it often that you see celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, or Justin Bieber (yes, im 14) just walking around in the city? Like on fifth/madison avenue or something?? thankssss:)
Army Rangers and Army Infantry?
If you dont feel like waiting for Marine boot camp and you're sure you wont regret it later on then go Army. David is right, you should go infantry and try to get into an airborne unit, or at least go to airborne school. Then after a few years of time in the Army send in an application for Ranger Induction Program.
Can i apply for home loan?
Yes, you can avail a housing loan from your employer Bank. But see that you do not disclose to your Bank that you have availed a car loan from ICICI Bank and the same is being repaid by your father or else. Since your A/c does not show any debit entry against any loan, you are safe to apply for a housing loan.
I have an ASL project due Wednesday and I can't find anything on how Cesar Romero help the deaf community or how he was even a part of it. I KNOW ABOUT HIS COUSIN AND THAT DOESN'T HELP! I ALSO KNOW HE WAS ON BATMAN THAT TO IS UNHELPFUL!
Question about having children with my husband?
You asked "Should we have a child now or in the near future?" Dear, this is a discussion you continue to have with your HUSBAND...and wait until you are both ready. You can't pose such an important and life changing question to a bunch of strangers. "outside opinions" are not important, not needed and not relevant.
Inhabitants of Montreal, will be made the day "In town without my car" September 22nd, 2008? ?
a href="http://www.amt.qc.ca/comm/enville/englishinfo.asp" rel="nofollow"http://www.amt.qc.ca/comm/enville/englis…/a
What are my chances of getting accepted into an accelerated medial program?
Whatever courses you take you need to ace all of them. Stay away from basket weaving and the like. You'll need to do very well on the MCATs. Independent research possibly in a medical school environment will probably also be positively received by admission committees.
Whats wrong with the Muslims in Iraq?
I thought that they would go after the Americans for invading their country but as a matter of fact they are busy killing each other, the Shias the Sunnis and the Kurds and that too in the name of Islam. What an Irony these barbaric, uncivilized people belong to the "cradle of civilization".
Whats wrong with me..please help?
a week ago i started an intense workout plan,well basically i wrote down all the exercises possible do do with and with out weights and i write down my reps then the next day i do all the exercises and try as hard as i can to improve my reps,iv been doing this for a week now and i also been dieting im not fat im a skinny lean guy im just in taking lots of protein now, anyways today i woke up really fatigued and i could barely make 20 push-ups. how long will it take my body to recoup and am i going to hard on my body??
Zelda: Ocarina of Time, UNICORN FOUNTAIN FOUND?!!!?
okay! i admit, i had to use an emulator and the "levitate when pressing A" gameshark cheat to do this and i had to use the "beta quest" code just to quickly become adult link, but i guess you can do it without beta quest turned on if u r already adult link. anyway, go into zora's domain and up into the area where jabu jabu used to be and go to the island area in the corner where the entrance to the fairy's fountain is and hold down A (to levitate because of the cheat) and fly up and eventually u come up to a hidden cave in the side of the wall to the left of the fountain entrance and go inside the cave and travel down the tunnel (there will be some invisible enemies because this area is never supposed to be entered). then keep going deeper into the cave until you come up to a greyish big rock. when u walk close to it, the A on says "lift". i tried lifting it but i didnt have the gauntlets yet so i cudn't lift it. but i think that the unicorns fountain is under that rock! it isnt under the ice in zoras domain! everyones looking in the wrong area! please, if u have the gauntlets, lift the rock and tell me what u find! PLEASE!!! i must know if i've found it!
How to get a horse to lunge?
ive lunged horses for many years but have never had to teach them how to do so. if i hook a lunge line to him he just stands there and stares at me lol. i do not have access to a round pen or anything like that. we have a 50-60 foot corral but the shelter is attached ( alright tried he goes and hides in there. hes a ottb and knows his walk and trot commands but he just freezes when i put the lunge line on him.
Were ancient gods aliens?
I personally believe that Genesis is not about the creation of the earth, but the restoration of the earth after some cataclymic event caused the last great m extinction of life on earth some 10-12,000 years ago during the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary. There are different varieties of this belief, generally called the Gap Theory, which says there is a great span of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2.
Find a Star Trek Episode?
I'm looking for the title of a Star Trek episode. I think it was the original series. It featured a seemingly desolate, barren planet except for a small plot of land that an old man and his wife lived on. As the story developed it turned out the wife was nothing more than a memory projection. The old man a god-like super being that regretted not saving his wife. She died years before.
What would be a good youtube username for meh?
my name is angelica... and im makin another youtube account so i want an awesome name this time lol.. i wat suthin like angelicasuar.. [nickasaur] or somethin of that nature lol.. im emo so yea.. idk if that helps... :) THNX IN ADVANCE... ♥♥♥
What's the best thing for sticking down photographs in a wedding album?
I have some reprints of wedding photographs to put in a new album and was wondering if anyone knew what i can use to stick them to the backing sheets without damaging the photo. Bluetack tends to eventually leave a greasy mark on the corners of the photos so i didn't really want to use that and double sided tape seems too permanent. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
My best guy friend is hitting on me?
So like im with this great guy. We rnt dating but we r "together" u kno. I also have a close guy friend. Hes really fun to be around and stuff but it seems like hes starting to like me. He always hugs me and puts his arm around me and stuff. The other guy im with seems to be annoyed by it. My bf knows that i dont like my guy friend, but hes a really good friend so i hug him back and stuff. i dont want my bf to start thinking im flirting back, what do i do?
All my mates are on at me because my girlfriend?????
They all say I am under the thumb and that she controls me but it just isn't true. I enjoy her company, love her sooooo much and she is like my, rock, mentor, and diamond all into one. I don't know where I'd be without her. I admit I listen to her a lot but her advice is usually right and she is headstrong. I still spend time with my friends but I just am in awe of my girlfriend and I just love to spend time with her. Why can't they accept that????
Arsenal vs Liverpool (age of subs)?
a lot of liverpool's young-uns were playing tonight in the actual reserves game (in which they beat United)
What extremes of nature scare you the most....?
Cmon dude consider us lucky atleast we dont get Hurricane Katrinas like disaster and earth quakes. But yeah the one that scares me the most would be a bushfire sincee its the only huge force of mother nature ive experienced first hand.
What do i do. I am not depressed at all. I just hate being alive ?
I don't think you hate being alive, I think you hate the state your life is in now and what you think you are required to do. It's imperative that you take control of your own life and make yourself first in line. You're not very good for anyone else in your life if you don't take care of yourself first. There is a lot of literature out there that explains how we got this way and how to get out of it. However, a current book that is quite good is called 'The Four Agreements.' Take a look at it. Good luck!
Dirtbike average price?
i have a 2007 honda crf 100 dirtbike, its in great condition, new tires new chain gaurd have all the registartion and everything for it, and never heavily ridden, hasnt been ridden hard and never raced or ever hit top speed on it, its been stored indoors and with a tarp, never been crashed, im just wondering whats the average price i could sell it for, how much it would be worth ( getting it appraised in the next few weeks) and what is the top price i oculd sell it for i bought it $3000 new.
Can this baby be taken away from us after 1 year?
this a question for an attorney I think the natural mother should have her baby if she goes thru rehab.
Himalayan & Karakoram glaciers are shrinking & retreating. How to prevent both scientifically?
In 2050 there will be no snow on peaks of Himalayas, the source of river & ground waters turning many planes into deserts. What to do ?
Are man-hating feminists infecting our young women ?
Its alright, its sweet when they get all uppety thinking they can be like men. Feminists are cute. haha. Well apart from the big ones.
How do I get my boyfriend to want me?
I want my boyfriend to not be able to keep his hands off me. He pays attention to me now, but i want to be irresistable. Any tips???
How do you decode this?
I know that l33t 5p34k 3nc0d3 3nc0d3 says leet speak encode... but I don't know what the rest says... and I think you encode
Whistle crow road bike ?
hilly area, �1500 to spend, heard a lot of good things about this bike, should i get one, or any suggestions for other bikes which you recommend
How many daycare workers lose it and are arrested for child abuse?
I just got a min. wage job as a daycare "teacher" but quit when I got my dream job. Anyway, many of the kids are out of control brats. I think this is because they are raised in daycare all their lives without their mother...They become more aggressive and less empathetic than other children. Many of the kid would kick and hit me....And these kids were not that little as many of them were 5 and 6. They would spit at me and run around the room and laugh as I had to chase them. They would throw towns intentionally all over the room and laugh because I had to pick them up. They were all around brats. How many workers do you think lose it and do a minor thing like give them a or slap them on the face? Then they are arrested for "child abuse" and have their lives ruined...When I previously thought of a child abuse conviction I would think the person was an evil nut that perhaps poored burning wax on a kid or beat them til they were bloody...But even a little slap or even a would be abuse.
NIH does not fund cutting edge potential cure for . Would you donate to HSV research?
For more information go to http://www.-coldsores.com/messageforum/showthread.php?t=15928. This is a support board for .
What exercises should i do to increase my pitch speed(in a small area, and i have bowflex)?
i am a closer for my AAU team and we have pitchers that throw 70+ regular and i can only get mid 60's so what can i do to get a little faster? i dont expect miracles but maybe 2-4 MPH in offseason, just a little closer to them.
Can anyone tell me about the last name McCaulley?
I'm a former McCauley. uming the double-L version is the same origin, it's Scottish (MacAuley, MacCauley, etc.) and Irish (where Mac becomes Mc.) There is a McCauley clan. Its tartan is an orangish red with black and green elements.
Would You Not Have Enjoyed Living In this Time?
WHAT? You mean with no Yahoo Answers? LOL I think I would have gotten in a lot of trouble if I lived in that time. :) I might get in a fight for telling someone to "sit on it". :)
Will I be arrested???
No, since you are cooperating with the police. If they wanted to arrest you they would have done it by now.
WHAT exactly is a deqoy.....?
i seen on the tv show THS True Hollywood stories where they were doin the top high paying jobs in L.A and a decoy was the 3rd highest ...what would u think
Is it against the law charging for water in a restaurant?
I've rarely seen restaurants that charged for water, and if they did, it would be miniscule like 10cents. Can a restaurant charge perhaps $1.49 for a gl of water?
Some late eightees song?
Visit a href="http://www.hiindians.com/entertainment/music" rel="nofollow"http://www.hiindians.com/entertainment/m…/a to find best music websites at one place.
What can I do to improve this part of my book? (one paragraph)?
It's a good story and you wrote it well but the way Phoenix attracted Alex (you know, taking off clothes and stuff) was not very appropriate... but yes you wrote it well
How Can I fix My Broken Whirlpool Washing Machine That the Spin cycle Will Not work? Whir?
sounds like a problem in the transmission, if you dont think you can replace it yourself. get a cheap used washer, try craigslist.
Gymnastics help please?
ok, try backhandspring on trampoline, or on soft surface, ur mom is just being a mom, tell her to be more supportive!!! level 2 isnt that much harder thaan level 1, and u have been doing gymnastics for longer than 4 weeks, i mean come on
How to block a number on a cellphone?
Call your cell phone service provider, ask for customer service, give them the number and tell them that you want to have it blocked and they should be able to do that
Can someone be voluptuous yet slim?
Yes, it is possible. By working out the correct areas and watching your diet it can be achieved for some but not all. Genetics will come into play in most people and will determine how your body will appear. Also, the term for that type of body is "hourgl figure".
Girls: just a random question im curious, if there was a guy you liked as a friend...?
And there was a guy that you liked liked. Ok let's say you invited the guy you liked as friend somewhere, just casual, and your mom knows about him but she knew you only saw him as a friend, and she seen a like 2 times before and he came to where you invited him, and your mom saw him but you went paying attention, how would she react? Like would she be excited to tell you that he's there or would she be nice but more calm about it? Vs it being the guy that you had the crush on and she knew about him and he came, would she be more excited to tell you that he's there are just calm about it? Or what would yours say? Stupid question I know lol, I'm just a curiouse person.
Are you going to help rid the congress of vermin who voted for the Stimulus Bill and TARP?
I live for the day when the( I don't have to read any of the bill's before me) liberal crowd is voted out of office and will help any way i can they are clearly not thinking in the best interest of the people or Country
Did UPS lose my XBOX?
I sent my XBox in to get repaired about a month ago and it got repaired successfully but on the way back to my house, UPS said that there was a special event being held and that it was shipped back to the shipper. About 10 days later it said that it was delivered to Laredo TX, which is not where I live... at all. Im guessing thats where the repair center is. Its been about a week since it has been in Texas and Im wondering if they lost it or if they are going to ship it back to me because it was shipped back to the shipper. help?
My mower has a briggs and stratton 158cc, 550 series engine. The atomatic accelerator has quit working?
The mower is 1.5 yrs old and has mowed the yard about 12 times. I can start the mower, but to keep it running, I have to manually accelerate it. When I let it go, the engine idles down and then dies. The old ones used to have springs attached to the accelerator, but on this one, the linkage goes to a cam which sets on top of the engine. Do you know what causes this? Thanks
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Question for girls with guy friends?
Why is that all woman are oblivious to the fact that guys have no such thing as a friend who is a girl, we simply want to sleep with you. We'll be anything you call us (guy friend) to get what we want. Even if your married or have a boyfriend we will bide our time. Eventually you'll have a fight and coming running to us for comfort. We may not get what we want the first time but sooner or later you'll sleep with us. Guys have a motto "resistance equals persistence." What does that mean? You ladies can say I'd never give in, that's not me. However as a guy we persist in our efforts despite your resistance and in the end we'll get what we want. So my question is: why are you ladies so oblivious to this? Thanks!
Can Iron Man be possible today?
If anyone thinks they can create an arc reactor or give someone superhuman strength, please respond to my question. I already know about raytheon sacros' exoskeleton, but would really like to hear people's ideas of things an Iron man suit would need. I would like to hear your ideas for an arc reactor or other power source. Please don't let me down.
How do u get crayon marks out of a swaid couch?
My son took a green crayon made by crayola and marked on my brown swaid couch. I have not tried to get it off yet. I do not want to ruin my couch.
Supreme court?
It's basically a procedural point that Blackmun thinks calls for judicial restrain on the part of the US Sup. Court. Basically the state's highest court had considered the same statute at issue in Cohen after the Cal. Court of Appeals addressed it. Thus, he thought they should let the state construction of their own statute determine the decision, rather than the federal court's construction of it. For this reason, he wanted to remand the case (send it back to the state court) rather than actually rule on it.
I really love him but I don't know if I should say it or how he will react. What if he doesn't say it back?
For some guys 'love' is a red flag that they are dating someone that is turning clingy. For other guys they will embrace it. The 'safe' road is to tell him that you think of him often and that he makes you feel like no other guy you ever dated has.
I am just at a complete loss on what car to get for a first car? 3500$..?
3000 is enough money to find a good used car. keep looking. .also my advice is not to buy anything with more than 130,000 miles.or you wont 5 years out of it.
If there is an afterlife, what is the purpose of this life?
This life was merely created to weed out the good and bad. We are tested on earth and our reward as well as our punishment is given in the afterlife. This is where we will truly spend eternity and our time here is but a second compared to time spent in the hereafter. The afterlife depending on where you end up serves two very different purposes. Those who lived life following God's word and will spend eternity in Heaven, where they will be given everything there heart desires and more that they cannot even fathom. Those who choose to defy him spend - depending on their transgression – their time in Hell, where I’m sure you can figure out what happens.
What shippuden chapter can i find the original manga scan to?
This is fan-art! I can tell because the girl who has the sword pointed at is a colored-over picture of Sakura. Tons of Naruto Fan-Girls do that! Yeah that's Fan Art because I read the manga and I never saw anything like that. Actually, it's not Sakura but it's painted to look like her.
M doing m phil in botany may i became a cid officer?
Why not , To become a C.I D. officer a graduation degree is enough, but you most have intelligency and I.Q.
So i had this dream about a week ago and it was about me falling in love?
i cant remember it that welll but mostly the most important things so i was about 25 years old and right now im alot younger i was in a backseat of a car and with ome of my friends and in the front seat was my partner im not sure if he was my boyfriend or what but he was getting out of the car and it hurt my heart like really bad i knew he was coming back just the pain of him leaving mr for second so i kissed him and he came back and we did somthing and i told him i had cancer thats really all i remmber but the part where we were in the car was kinda werid like ive never been in love before is that how it feels
What type of oil does B&BW, Glade or Febreeze use?
I want to refill my plug in's with my own oils. Anyone know what type to fill with? Can you use the little vials from B&BW?
Should we sue the government for failing to enforce these federal immigration laws?
If at all possible. They don't care what the everyday American experiences as long as the mega corporations get their illegal alien workforce. The only real trickle down is from corporations to politicians and that's where it all stops.
Why are there servants in the Islamic view of heaven?
Or more specifically, who are the virgins and other servants who dote on and care for martyrs, as an example. If these servants exist in heaven, were they not saved themselves? Why must they serve? Does the Koran address this?
How is US acquisition of cuba, philippines, marianas, guam relevant to or shaped today's US foreign policy?
I don't agree with it but if the governments of those countries agreed to an American military base in return for their defense and our payoffs and power grab what can I do.
Could i be fifteen and pregnant?
the 7th day of my period, which is the day i thought i got off, me and my boyfriend had using pull of method, i had some spotting the next day, and we had again, same way. it is four days later, and i have been sick, my lower back hurts unbearably and my body is extremly sensitive. could i be pregnant? what are the chances?
Why doesn't my girlfriend want my to buy a fleshlight?
Today, I told my girlfriend I want to buy a fleshlight. If you don't know what that is, it's a fake p*ssy that a guy masterbastes with. It feels and looks like a real one.She said it feels like I'm cheating on her because I'm "f*cking" another p*ssy. But what the hell, it's like, plastic. I don't get it, it's just a toy.
Aerosol & fire?
when ur a kid, grown ups used to say. dont light the gas cos the flame can get drawn back into can and blow up in your hand. is this even true or where they just trying to stop u acting a yob?
What does "put the book in that woman's hand " mean?
What does "put the book in that woman's hand " mean in the sentence "You just put the book in that woman's hand and she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade." ,Thanks for your answer.
I have a 2003 Dodge Neon SXT, I want a new car with more HP, but I'm not rich..?
If speed is want you want and you have all the funding to add a turbo to your Neon I say park the Dodge. If you want some speed and major power go for one of the late 80s early 90s model fox body mustangs. Make sure it's a 5.0 and a manual. You can do mods along the way and you definatley won't be dissapointed especially when you get it to where you can stand it up under a red light.
Am I still constipated?
O.K. You are probably still a little constipated. Don't take any more laxatives in the meantime. (or suppositories for right now) try making the enema warmer than before and using a little bit of soap in it. Do this twice. Then put a hot water bottle on your tummy and wait about a half an hour. If that doesnt work in the next 24 hours, insert another suppository. If that doesn't help either you should really go to the doctor.
I need an inspirational name for our company transformational journey. Can someone please think of one?
Keep it simpe stupid. KISS. Look at the names of very wealthy companys. Then you have to research it to make sure it not owned. Very time consuming and can be expensive. Good luck.
Does my 14 month old hate me?
No, the poor baby is confused and is having attachment problems. Switching a young child between homes, parents, and caretakers requires a real balance. It is normal for her to cling and not want a parent to leave. It does not mean that baby does not like you. If you caused that sense of hope and security and then took it away even if it was logical to you, baby might not recognize that and fears that if attachment comes it will be taken away. You probably need to spend a little more one on one time and secure your schedule and make sure it promotes total security to baby.
A question i couldnt understand:) thank u?
Carbon monoxide is a competitive inhibitor while cyanide is a non competitive inhibitor of enzyme function. Explain the action of each of these chemicals. thankz ^_^
My computer is too loud?
My computer is abnormally loud on occasion. More than just a working hum, or a few clicks while it thinks. On occasion it will buzz, like a metal against metal rattle. The sound seems to come from just behind the front casing. A quick smack on the side of it usually quells the sound, but on occasion will make it worse...in which case another smack knocks it down. The case (I guess that's what it would be called) is by Lenovo, if that helps in the slightest.
Is Penn Foster wildlife/forestry conservation on line legit?
it sounds like what i really want and covers everything i want to do,but will it really help me or should i find somewhere else?
I found a Parakeet in N.W. Arkansas, with a tag on it's leg.......?
which has OPI 3630 stamped on it. The tag is Red. Can anyone help me identify this tag so I can return this Budgie to it's proper owner?
A case with both residents in the same state would i be superior court? should legal complaints be labeled?
Labeled meaning headings such as VENUE and FACTS. bc ive seen them both ways. i have to make a litigation complain and ammount in demand and summons. if you have any suggestions where i can go pls let me know ive been researching like crazy and his is due tom
What song is this????????
I miss the old days when, boys had cooties. Mom was your hero; and dad was superman; your worst enemies were your siblings; war was just a card game; when we were allowed to have imaginary friends without having to be crazy. When you could go up to a random kid, and be lifelong friends; where the world was a pretty place instead of being filled with war; where having a water fight with someone in a white T shirt didnt matter; when the world could be whatever you wanted it to be; when fights would only last for 5 minutes, and they were just two kids not playing together; when girls could get rough and not be judged; when playing doctor actually was playing doctor; when a mom or dad could wipe the tears away to make you feel better when something went wrong; when tag was the ultimate sport where nobody won or lost; when you were encouraged to nap in cl; when you only knew a few words and that was all you needed; when the playground looked like a whole country; when guys didnt have an ulterior motive when you were playing in the mud together. Watching the garbage truck eat up garbage was fun; recess was too short, life was too long. Decisions were easy to choose by eni, meanie, mini, mo. The only thing that hurt was skinned knees, and when boys were yucky. Goodbye only meant until tomorrow. The only thing you smoked was the tires on your bike; when your clothes didn't need to match. When you thought cuss words were the worst thing anyone could say to you. The only race issues were who ran faster. It wasnt awkward to suck on a lollipop. A promise was a high five, and the only things that could get broken were your toys.
Limewire video wont show video but loads sound.?
Okay so i got a vid from LW and it loads the sound but not the video i have tried everything nero wmp vlc flv EVERYTHING!!!! DONT GIVE AN ANSWER THAT SAYS DONT DOWNLOAD FROM LW I AM AWARE OF THAT IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO EXPLAIN HOW TO FIX PROBLEM THEN DONT ANSWER REALLY!!!!
Anyone like to read my story?
I liked it. It seems like there's something big right around the corner- I want to read more more more. :)
Why do people say italians are.....?
Northern Italians generally are lighter, southern Italians darker. Italians are Europeans and are clified as White/Caucasian.This is from skeletal points and measurements, mainly on the skull and most recently by DNA tests(haplogroups).Many Blacks and even some Whites believe because the dark Italians have dark skin, they have Black ancestry, not true-some do but they are exceptions-all ethnicities have members that are mixed and will become more so in the future.
Isit normal to have this much pain in my back, pregnancy?
it happens every few nights and today it woke me up my right side near back has a sharpe pain and its killing me !!!
So, I just turned 19 (legal drinking age in Ontario), what drinks should I get at a bar?
MEAD HONEY WINE DRINK OF THE GODS HAS ALL OFTHE TAST BESIDES ALCHOHOL BEST DRINK EVER I LIVE IN AMERICA I MAKE NON ALCOHOLIC MEAD OF ALL KINDS I THINK IT IS THE BEST DRINK EVER just my opinion tho depends on the kind u get i perfur scandinavian or so called viking mead /honey wine hope i helped
Magic The Gathering: Play everytime you can cast a sorcery?
No. It just means that you can only play the ability during your turn. The "any time you could cast a sorcery" just refers to your turn only. This is because of two reasons. One, sorceries can only be cast during your turn. Two, because most other abilities can be played at instant speed.
Which Asian Country/city Would you like to go to?
If you had the chance to travel to beijing, Seoul, Taipei, singapore, Bangkok, Jakarta, Pusan, Tokyo or Ho chi Minh, which one would you choose? Why would you choose it?
Saw a commercial for an Art Institute or something similar to it.. and a course was modern woodworking?
I saw a commercial for a school and a course was modern woodworking, which is what I want to do. I can't quite remember which school it was and I can't find it online. If anyone has seen that commercial, or simply knows of it.. I'd greatly appreciate it.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Can I rent a Car hauler?
Whats your opinion of Rahm Emanuel?
he is the son of a known terrorist.he sold out the clintons. and we will never hear those tapes with him,pelosi and reid.
Would you employ Tim Geithner after he destroyed the Indonesian Economy back in the 90's?
No I wouldn't. Something isn't right about our U.S. government though, they always reward failure or cheaters in life. I would say Geithner is the wrong man for the job and is being rewarded for being a good puppet for the banking executives.
Why Islam has been labeled as terrorist?
Why Islam has been wrongly labeled as terrorist religion since in all religion there are extremist and they are not label as their religion terrorist? If the terrorist is a muslim then he/she is a terorrist not Islamic terrorist. Why must put the Islam infront of the terrorist. My friend who studying at UK has been beaten nearly to death by a group of Cristian just because he just come out from a mosque. Is'nt that not a terrorist act. Terrorist is whoever has commit terror to the others. So who are the terrorist here. Stop blaming on religion. This is an act of person or people. Not religion. They just use religion as their cause.
What has happened to my camelia?
I have 2 camelias, one I have had for 30 years and the other about 10 years planted in the garden (not tubs), and have always had profusion of flowers. This year it was very poor and ALL the leaves on both trees have turned yellow and are falling off, with no new foliage appearing, so it is more or less leaving them with bare branches. I did last autumn give the 2 camelias some phosphergen)This has also happened to an old rhodi (in a different part of the garden). What has gone wrong?
How do you (personally) write poetry?
im just wondering because iv always thought i wasn't particularly good at it. do you just write what you feel without acknowleding writing technicalities? perhaps im overthinking the process too much....
What do you think of the name Brianna or Breanna or Briana! (any spelling)?
I spell my name Brianna and pronounce it as Bree-ann-uh I don't like any other pronunciation! Just tell me if you like it or if you r not 2 crazy bout it!!!!
I need help on writin an essay?
This is the essay topic {"If you could make one positive change to your daily life, what would that change be?"}
Are the democrats finally getting the MSM treatment?
A couple of great pictures. I think you'll find the banner behind Hillary is a mascot. Nothing incideous there.
Why do liberals question my patriotism when I ask questions in this forum?
I pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States of America in grade school. I joined the United States Armed Forces in 1977 and served honorably for 30 years. During this time I swore an oath to the constitution many times, agreeing to uphold and defend it against enemies, foreign and domestic. I am a veteran, decorated, and honorably discharged. Unlike many of my accusers, I obtained my citizenship not only through birth, but by earning it with sweat and blood. Could it be that liberals must resort to ad hominem attacks due to an inability to focus on the real issues posed in my arguments?
Racist remarks at work.?
Well i dont get how she made that omment infront of you, knowing that you obviously are partly black (mixed race) that is a very stupid thing to do, i personally would make it clear to that small minded women, that it is her role to lead people and respect people, and if she is to make remarks like that to and about other people, she shouldnt be doing a job like that (working with people) i would take it further to be honest, no one, no matter what age, race, where you are from etc etc, should have to deal with that. or feel like they cant say anything about it.
Should the "Nancy Grace's" of the media be prevented from turning trials into a circus?
Sure, she and the network made a lot of money. But in the process they trned most of the American public against Casey Anthony! This jury was seqesteered so they arguably did not hear the tripe. But what about in the future when the jury is not sequestered and some so called "pundit" holds court on TV to make a fast buck???
Anderson Silva vs Demian Maia - Will this be a repeat of Thales Leites?
Both Maia and Leites are talented grapplers with limited striking. Do you think the match will be similar, if not, what does Maia bring to the table that Leites didn't?
Question on 2 Corinthians 5:21?
You will have to go back and study the Old Testament practices of offering up sin offerings. When the High Priest offering up a sin offering to the Lord. It had to be without blemish, spot, or defect. Because the unblemished sacrifice represented the Messiah to come (Jesus), who would be perfect and without blemish or sinless. However, at Atonement, once the animal was brought before the slaughter. The sins of the people were transferred to the guiltless and unblemished animal. At the point of slaughter, all the sins of the people were now on the animal. Okay, go to Isaiah 53:5-6, it says, "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. The chasetisement of our peace was upon Him and with His stripes we are made whole. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Clearly, Isaiah points out that the iniquities of man would be laid on the Messiah. At the point He was taken and put up on the Cross, all the sins of mankind, past, present, and future where transferred to Him on the Cross. So, He does fulfill tha nature of the sin offering according to the Old Testament. He took our place of sinfulness and exchanged it with His righteousness. And, it was no different in the Old Testament. A guiltless unblemished animal had to have people's sins transferred to it, in order for the Israelites to have their sins atoned for and be righteous before the Lord.
Am i bi or straight? HELP PLEASE?
I'm a girl & I never had a crush on a girl but girl on girl turns me on. I have crushes on guys but i think d!cks are a turn off. Am i bi or straight? HELP??
Could the government be getting involved too much?
I agree and instead of putting all those warnings on cigarettes they should put graphic warning labels on all those 'FDA' approved drugs that show what a oxycodone addict looks like..
Monday, August 8, 2011
I'm looking for this techno/trance/dance which has a voice singing "be there i'll be there"?
its in the song "i am a raver" by dj rankin. you know the part where it goes "be there i'll be there". i've been looking for this song but i cant find it. help please. thank you :)
My printer isn't printing right.?
I have the HP PSC 1350 all in one printer (scanner, copier, and printer). I haven't use it in a couple months. 3 months ago I tried to print out a school project and it wasn't printing as well as it use to. When it prints it uses the wrong colors and it has lines between pictures. It prints words out fine. My cartridges are new, I did the cleaning thing and still no change, Is it time for a new printer?
What should a judge do to a juror who listens to an MP3 player during a murder trial?
The person is obviously doing it to avoid being on jury duty...honestly if I was the judge I would hold him in contempt of court
Why? This did not help fix Mexico's problem...?
the guns that come from america is a false statistic...it is just a ploy to restrict US gun rights even further for the sake of Mexico's security. Its BS.
How do I disemble an anderson stormdoor lock?
the handle will not fully disengage the bolt from the striker and I want to take it apart to see if there is anything I can do. An allen wrench takes the handle off but I am not sure how to get the rest apart.
Anyone a huge fan of 'The Godfather' movies?
I am a fan of the Godfather, the real Godfathers, Im a crime Historian. Look man im a huge fan of the real crime bosses like Scarface and im not talking about Al Pacino, Im talking about Alphonse Capone, Big Al, Bumpy Johnson, Lucky Lucciano,John Gotti. The Godfather was based on there real life events. I bet you didn't know Al Capone made 18 million dollars a year bootlegging alcohol during the prohibition, in the 1920's and that he had half of the Chicago Police force working for him. Go to youtube and enter the words The Iceman, he was a hit man for the Mob, primarily the Gambino crime family, He killed over 100 people, and he describes in detail about how he carried out hits for the Mob, He has about 20 interviews on there, so I hope you enjoy my friend.
Boyfriend eats badly?
My boyfriend eats really badly and I try to tell him to stop eating fast food, and things like ravioli (in a can). He is pretty skinny... and he eats a lot of chips and soda so he's lucky. I just want to help him eat better but I cant always be there with him until we eventually move in together. His parents all buy crap, do you think there is another way to help him out? He cares about him eating badly but I guess not enough to tell his parents to buy better food.
What are the lastest trendz at your school?
Ok im 15yrz old andd im going to the 11th grade next school year. im going to a neww skool && i w wonderingg watt aree the lastest trendz teen girlz wear att yourr skool bcuzz im getting a job this summer andd i gett too buy myy own clothz *woot woot* please help me...o yea send linkz to sitez witt cutee clothz && also send pictures if u wantt [[=
What is this song? it's very popular on radio 24/7?
okay so I don't like it too much, I'm more of a rock music fan but it has this yodeling like "mya hee mya ha" it's like rap
I desperately need help yzing a poem.?
The poet is describing a courtly walk shared by suitors and their lovely ladies. The courtship is controlled and less. If one suitor offends his lady, he drops to his knee begging forgiveness and kisses her little finger. This is about as close a contact which will be made. The promenade is a public outing of fine clothes and gentile people. All in all it is a circus of courtship and display..
Tousle me softly by herbal essences?
has anyone tried this new line of products by herbal essences? ive used tresseme "flawless curls" mouse in my hair and it work wonders, but i was wondering if the tousle me softly mouse works good? id like to get the whole line of it, but id like some opinions on it! thanks :o)
What are some tween Halloween party games?
I am having a Halloween party in a few days, and I am trying to think up games to play. I already have Murder in the Dark, Sardines, Mummy Wrap, Flashlight Tag, Sleeping Bag Game, Halloween Pictionary, Pumpkin Bowling, and we are going to carve mini pumpkins. I need at least 5 more game ideas. Any suggestions? :D
A few names for my look?
I like the natural look but with some funkyness,I like floral stuff. Peasant tops. But also like a clic Hollywood kinda look. Big dangly earrings with wavy hair big lips sort of tan skin and dark blue eyes. I like skinny jeans but not too tight with rips in them sometimes. I like stone jewlery and gems and I like a lot of rings. I like opals and emeralds and rubys(usally fake ones) just wear mascara and maybe a little brown eyeshadow and red lipgloss if in going out. I have a hourgl figure and for shoes I wear cowboy boots or uggs in the summer flip flops or no shoes at all
What is the main idea in this sentence?
This makes the company name especially important. It helps to have a name that people will remember. For instance, a successful Califonia health spa that provides mages is called 'Nice to be Kneaded." "You Gotta Have Art" is the name of a successful graphics arts firm. And "The Pickup Artist" is a company that doing a booming business in recycling.
Stripping swimming pool?
Looking for a way to strip a in-ground concrete swimming pool. It has Epoxy swimming pool paint on it. The paint has some bubbles under it. A Power washer works but is very slow, Regular paint strippers don't phase it. Epoxy remover and shot blasters are extremely hard to find in my area,, any ideas??
I love her, but I want to punch her sometimes.?
Tell her exactly what you just posted here. She may be mad at you for a few days, but it might be the wake-up call she needs ; D
WhatWomenNeedToKnow . org websight. YOUR ANSWER~~!!!?
question: what brought you to look at this site in the first place? i think there is no need for sites like this, b/c if you just trust yourself (man or women) someday the right one will come along.. by the way there is no such thing as the only one for you. there is many of them out there, its just up to the indivual to come across that person.
Fallout 3 tenpenny tower quest help?
ok I killed Tenpenny a while ago before starting "tenpenny tower quest". im going for good karma and when i try to tell the residents to let the ghouls in they say they will let tenpenny know. but tenpenny is already dead. HELP i dont want all the way back to that save
Where does 'love' come from? Is it purely biological (even carnal) and sociological? Can it be spiritual?
LOve comes from God........no we do not have pure Love nor can we give it.........anything good comes from God and evilness from Satan
Adding a portfolio to college appeal?
Is it a good idea to do an art portfolio as part of my appeal to UCSB? Do I have a chance at being admitted to the College of Creative Studies even though it's past the deadline? I really don't care if i get into the CCS, i just want to get in in general.
Society's ills blamed on lack of school prayer?
Of course, television couldn't possibly have had anything to do with the changes that followed...nah.
How do I earn money for college?
I am only in middle school, but I plan on getting a doctoral degree and that takes LOTS of money. I figured that I could earn some scholarships, but I also thought it would be easier to earn some of it now. What are some things I could do for my family and neighbors?
The National FFA Organization?
I know what Future Farmers is. No, I've never use them for help. I'm not quite sure what they do, so I don't have an opinon. I wasn't a member, and aren't, but my uncle was (30+ years ago).
What is the difference between the two terms "burglary ", and "larceny"?
Larceny is the unlawful taking & carrying away of property of another with the intent to steal it. Burglary is breaking an entering and entering the dwelling of another during the night with attempt to commit a felony therein. Now changed to being regardless of the time of day. Example: A strange man breaks into my house at night to steal stuff from me.
Virtual DJ timecode vinyl?
So here's the deal I've got a bcd 3000 which I now use with traktor LE but I'm gonna buy some stanton T 150's or T 62's with serato time coded vinyl , I'm planning on buying serato sl but till then can I use these time coded vinyl's with Virtual DJ 5 ? since It doesn't seem like I need something of hardware to use it ?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
My beautiful Siamese cat is sick and not eating...T_T ? ?
Well I would like to start by saying that while i realize you don't want to go to vet due to cost, it is really the best option. For the time being, food and water are going to help. Try boiling a little rice and come chicken to eat. This is a bland diet and hopefully will be less nauseating for your cat. In addition make sure she is drinking water, we don't want her to get dehydrated. Check the little box, make sure urination and stool is normal. Keep an eye on her, and work on convincing your parents that taking your cat to the clinic is the best option.
What should I do with these clams or scallops I found washed on the beach?
Are you still close to the beach? Then I would get a bucket of ocean water and then take something like a cup and gently scoot them into the water so this way they dont hurt you. Then you can take the bucket down to the beach again and release them back into the ocean. Hope this helped some :)
Survey: Have you ever been in a limousine?
Yes...but didn't care or enjoy it because I was going to my father's burial. It was a sad and very emotional experience.
My kitten is in love with me, what do I do?
I'm so serious. She doesn't believe in sitting/sleeping anywhere else but on me, every time I'm in a chair she crawls right in my lap and takes a nap or rubs on me till I pet her. That's when she's not kneading me, which she does CONSTANTLY. Daisy also, em..drools on me. When she sits on me which is all the time I subconciously pet her, and before I know it she's drooling all over me!! should I bring in a tom cat lol?
PCOS-related question?
I have PCOS but managed to have a baby (hooray!) 9 1/2 months ago. I stopped feeding 2 weeks ago. I haven't had a period since the birth of my baby. Is this normal? When do you think my period should return?
Can you tell me a piece of art?
that contains letters, like writing letters or using wordplay. Or an artist whose known for doing it? thanks
Old fashioned name help?
Betty is a great name, although people might first think of betty rubble from the flinstones or Betty page Americas first dirty film actress. But its a great name non the less, i think you should go with it, its much better than most kids names nowadays
you said it at the end. inaccurate naive form of PROPAGANDA. Weed can be used for... strong meditation, blooming focus, open minded critical thinking, creative/imaginative fantasious tripping,and so on, and you know what? this laughing dream we live in is EVERYTHING REAL, with or without weed.
Will an H-D 2007 Ultra Clic seat fit a 2004 Road Glide?
Bracket looks nearly the same but the RG seat appears longer. My wife hates the narrow seat we have currently. Got her a gel pad but it raises her up and catches a lot of wind.
Rate these baby names, (long)?
I love Alyssa Louise, Laura Catherine, Heather Lily, Harper Lynne, Annabella Lea, Jacob Daniel, Dylan Andrew, Zachary Logan, Beau Gregory, Benjamin Elliot, Blake Maxwell, Ethan Shane, Isaac Wilson, Jared Logan and Landon Paul
Is The US Gov.'s Policing Of The World Instead Of Its Own Borders To Our Detriment?
Well if it is the govt's policy then it started long before this current administration. I think companies have a right to have an employee prove their status as a legal resident or a citizen. After all I've just had to send my marriage certificate to my medical insurance company to prove that the person I have on my benefits is my husband. If companies had no choice than to just hire legal residents then people wouldn't try to come here for jobs that don't exist for them.
Where can I find the Shugo Chara episodes with english subs?
I really like this anime, but i cant find the episodes with english subs anywhere... TT_TT Everything is either an abridged series or just not there. PLEASE HELP!!!
Need opinions. Sorry about the length?
Although she was wrong to fire you in that manner it really depends on your state laws and business practices. In SC they have what's called a "Hire for any reason, Fire for any reason". Which means your employer can fire you without giving a legitimate or justified reason. Now when it comes to a companies standpoint, it depends. Does your company require a certain number of write ups or coaching before termination? These can conflict with each other and even though you can be held to state law, it may not be general practice at your job. Most companies have posted pictures and contact information of higher ups somewhere where employees can visibly see it. Gather that information and relay your questions to the proper people. I would suggest leaving out the fact that you've had some personal issues with this person. Focus solely on your good work history and being unable to find a replacement while ill. As long as you didn't call in 10 minutes before your shift and gave the required amount of time advanced notice of your absence then you shouldn't have been fired. I had a somewhat similar situation when I was young and working in retail. I had a manager try to delegate her duties to me. When I refused, she fired me on the spot. I contacted her superiors, who found her completely out of line. She was fired for her actions in that situation. It's one thing for her to kindly ask you to help her find a replacement because of her lack of resources from being out of town, if it is her job. It's another for her to delegate her duties to you. Which most corporations take seriously.
Am I expecting too much from myself?
Everyday of my life I'm terrified that people find me uninteresting or no fun. I'm afriad that people think I'm not funny. I'm almost positive that people are thinking: "Damn that girl doesn't talk about funny things or do exciting things. She isn't talking that much. I'm bored with this girl. I don't love her or want to be around her. She has no personality. She's just not a person who is likeable and should be hung around. Why would I love her?" I believe I should be so many things. I should be funny, fun, happy, exciting, extroverted, interesting, and a never shut up kind of person. I'm unhappy with my life completely. I've already tried commiting suicide because I feel worhtless and pointless in this world. Like it wouldn't matter to anyone if I left anyways. I want to be that girl that everyone says ooh I love her so much she's so cool and fun, I love hanging out with her. She's so funny. I could live with her and never get bored. I've tried changing myself in the past four months. But it turns out I feel worse than i ever have in my life. I think I was more fun when I wasn't trying to be. Now I'm miserable. I hate myself. I used to be best friends with this guy adn we had so much fun together. I used to have a boyfriend. But he dumped me adn I think its cuz i didnt show him enough of a good time. I've had a long past of being a people pleaser. I've also only been friends with people who were of a lower status than me. But I just feel the need to leave or to be gone because I feel unappreciated and like nobody enjoys my presence.
Is it possible God cracked open a cold beer on the 7th day?
I'm just saying...He couldn't have smoked pot because pot is illegal, alcohol is legal and heck Catholics even drink it every Sunday. Oh my bad, in Church your drinking some guy's blood. And Jesus drank it at the last supper, even saved some wedding attendee's from having to drink boring water at a celebration.
Will Oprah sell Obama as President?
Or will Hillary's attack on his schoolchild "I Want to be President" essay reveal him as a monomaniac, singularly ambitious to sit on the throne of power from birth? Can either of them be trusted with the truth behind the Roswell UFO incident?
Where is exactly sarita vihar located in new delhi?
which area r near to this location? Malviya nagar is how much near to this location?Wht type of areas r this posh or down type?
I found a fledgling, so now what?
So I was in my back yard and under a tree I found a robin. It is obviously not full grown since it can't fly and still has many fuzzy down feathers. I put him in a box, mainly to rescue him from my little neighbors (who would grab him no doubt) and my cat. I called a rehabilitation center, and the woman there said to feed it soft cat food (which, luckily I had) Now I have it the box in my garage, it has water and I fed him, but now what? It's mother perches nearby but won't come near the box where her baby sits. Should I just leave it out on my lawn and let it do whatever God created it to do? If not, how often do I have to feed it? Should I try to find it bugs? How will it learn to migrate and feed itself?
Do kneaded erasers dry out?
i have an art kit and theres an eraser called a kneaded eraser. its like doughy and i can kneaded ( im guess thats wear the name comes from XD) but im afraid it will dry it. should i keep it in a bag or just let it sit in the box?
Are you ever fearful that when you kill a bug (especially in your home) that the bug's family is going to come
and get you? I think this everytime I kill a bug in my house. It's not a real fear but a thought that comes from when I killed one bee before I went to church (last year) and when I got home, my kitchen, bathroom and living room were swarming with bees. And trying to find an exterminator was useless because apprently the stupid bees are protected and can't be killed. And a Sunday afternoon coupled with my broke financial state (at the time) didn't culminate in getting a bee keeper there. I guess I broke the law when I went and got a bug fogger thing and threw it in after I grabbed some clothes and left for the night. The next day the dead swarm covered half of my apartment floor. Anything like this ever happen to you?
Weight gain even though I'm exercising?
I'm 17. Every night I run two miles, do ab workouts, lift weights, and I eat right. I also play dance dance revolution, but that probably doesn't count much. It's just fun. But after about a month and a half of doing this, I haven't lost much of my tummy chub. I've actually gained some weight! Am I doing anything wrong? Any suggestions?
When living alone, is there an imaginary wonderful embrace that ...?
that's funny. it depends how independent you are?! if you are reliant on other people and feel as though you need to have someone there to feel secure and loved and protected then no! if you don't think like that then, do you really need it?? if you are safe in the knowledge that ti exists anyway, then it's the urance you have in the knowledge and trust you have in those around that stays with you... even at night!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!… ( my freind is a loser!)?
ok i have this friend who is crushing with this girl at our high school. he really likes her and almost everyone knows cept her lol!anyways he had a chance to wow her with a little valentine game that the school wuz playing , but in the end he chickened out of even talking to her even though i was there to be his wingman. now on valentines day he just couldent even look at her because he thinks she started to go out with some other guy.and nomatter how much our freinds tried to get him to even talk to her he would just be emo in a corner. him and this girl r good friends so i dont understand why he cant talk to her but really what can i do so he can be more couragous bout these things
Left Pot Roast Out Overnight on Warm but Auto Shutoff, Okay To Eat?
I left a big portion of pot roast out overnight on warm and the crockpot automatically shutoff sometime during the night. Would it be okay to eat after a period of 12-14 hours if brought to a high boil?
Yet another stupid law.?
yeah word up......check the statistics in any country that has legal prostitution and legalize marijuana, they not only have a less crime rate that any state in the US but also their countrys are financially well off and not taxing the $hitt out of their citizens...!!!!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Very long complicated story...need advice?
ok so I really need advice and please not judgement, that wont help. My husband is an NCO in the army. Hes belived to have Multiple Sclerosis, but they are trying right now to get him a diagnosis. He's always in pain and always has headaches. They wont perscribe him anything yet because he doesnt have a diagnosis, and otc stuff is not strong enough. Then he did research and found that Montel Williams has ms and he uses Marijuana to help cope with pain. Since my husband is in the army he obviously can't smoke that. Someone told him about K2(herbal smoke), they said its legal and he tried it and it really seemed to help relax him and helped with his headache. Now I am completly against getting high, but he's going through a lot and if something seems to help him, I want to support him. Anyway, he only smoked it a few times, and apparently someone told on him. Well he was under the impression that it was legal. Turns out that its blacklisted for soldiers here at Ft. Campbell. He didn't know that, but according to his SFC it was put out in formation. My husband has a lot of dr. appts, and he probably missed that formation due to an appointment, so he didn't know that. Well they gave him a urine yasis, and the results should be back in about a week. Now he smoked a week prior to the test. Right now hes under investagtion, and Im so scared it will come back postitive and he will be demoted or discharged. There is not much research done on this herbal smoke. Does anyone know how long it will stay in your system, does anyone know if there is even a way to test for it? Someone please help. Im so scared!
Would black highlights look good on dirty blonde hair?
Hai! Um...i haf dirty blonde hair and im also growin it out tooo...and liek...would black highlights look good on dirty blonde hair???
Wow mining addon gatherer?
hey guys i saw some dude video on youtube and he was using an addon catographer and a few other ones. Basically what he did was linked all the node locations together in a certain place and he could follow a line which linked all the nodes together. I have no idea how to do it. Can anyone tell me step by step instructions or link me to a site that will. I wanna be able to mine adamantite fel iron and khoium. I only have bc atm.
What book is this I can't remember?
Okay so I read it severel years ago and was thinking about it lately. It's about these two sister living in a fantasy world. One sister loves adventure and wants to see the world. The other doesn't want to leave the castle let alone go on an adventure. The adventurous sister gets deathly ill and the pretty girl sister has to search the world to find a cure. She gets kidnapped by a dragon. Almost gets her arm ripped out by an ogre. And she has these shoes that make her jump really far and these gles that let her see things that are far away and through walls. She has a friend that's a guy and his kind are born by some stone getting hit by lightning. I forget the ending but I think she finds the cure. any ideas what book it is?
Can anyone remember when the dirt infield at Jacobs Field, Cleveland Indians, was black? Please help?
You're going back to the late '40s and early 50's before the league standardized all infields. Interesting question.
How do I find out if Chiller is offered by Comcast in my area?
The Comcast website is a maze. I wouldn't know where to look. I go through and flick through the channels and I don't see it on there. People have told me that two shows I like Rod Serling's Night Gallery and the Sixth Sense are on Chiller. Not sure if I even have it on all those gazillion channels I have on Comcast. How do I go about finding out?
Bolehkah proton satria biasa modify seperti satria gti?
hye..blh sesepa tolong saya? bolehkah satria biasa dijadikan satria gti dengan mengguna aksesori gti?
Cricket Poll : There should be at least one or Two Aggressive player in a Team ?
No. Cricket is one of the Genuie game and there should be no sledging and other illegal activities. Players should be obedient and they show their agressiveness in bowling and batting like Tendulkar.
Help with plot ending?
The orphanage (and its land) must ultimately be owned by someone so have them come into play - maybe a kind of Pollyanna type thing, where they impress the landlord (who may be a sour old fire and brimstone type) with the actions they take to save the day and he saves the land.
Question about spider veins?
in my right leg I have more spider veins and visible veins(not really varicose...im pale so even flat veins show), but my question is do more show up in my right leg because I'm righty so likely put more pressure on that leg for different things, such as driving
I really need help finding this horror film I watched when i was a kid. Can someone tell me the name?
I don't remember everything that happened. But I do remember a few scenes. In the movie these teenagers had went to this place and these little small slimy worm like things came out and went inside there bodies. This turned you into a monster but you could turn into a monster or stay in your human form. Only a few people didn't get them. I remember there was a scene when the main character who was a boy, had everyone over at his house( I think) and he had a substance sand like. If you put it up your nose and it came back out, that meant you were a monster. I remember the boys girlfriend was one of them and i remember a scene were she was crawling on her head using tentacles. The girl chased the boy onto a school bus but he escaped through the emergency exit on the ceiling. After that the girls that were inside of the school were sitting in the gym(I think). After that one of the girls appeared to be a monster and locked the other girl up. The boy came inside and the girl who was the monster walked around naked and she was talking to the boy knowing he was near. The boy was hiding behind lockers from her. Eventually the girl went back into her monster form and chased the boy around the school and into the locker room. Then the boy killed her by stabbing her in the eye with one of those test tubes of the sandy stuff. Can someone please tell me the name of this movie. I really want to watch it again.
Which one of these baby names do you like the best?
My favorite: Lillian so she can be called Lilly. But my grandma's name is Angelina and I like it too. I also like Charlotte, Leah, Amelia, Cecilia, Claudia, Meredith and Isla. Maybe Charlotte Lillian or Charlotte Leah or Angelina Bree? I for sure want my baby to have a middle name. Thanks
If someone is happy with who and how they are, then what is YOUR problem exactly?
By that I mean, if what they are doing or who they are does not negatively effect anyone else in any way, shape, or form that is. Then what is the problem? If someone wants to be with the same gender and live happily ever after, what concern is it of yours? And before you become all snooty and authoritive with me about how GOD HAS A PROBLEM WITH IT, please show me evidence that he does? If he exist that is...and if he does have a problem with it then why do so many gay friendly countries, states, towns, cities, etc. live for the most part...peacfully and prosper?
How long does Zoloft take to really start working?
I started taking Zoloft (well, the generic form of it) for my anxiety. For the first two weeks I felt wonderful and my anxiety was cured…I no longer concocted ridiculous scenarios in my head and needlessly stressed myself out about things that weren’t happening…life seemed easy and I was excited to feel “normal” well, now, for the past week it seems to not be working. I have read that it take up to a month to work completely and I have only bee on it for 3 weeks now but this seems to be a major set back. Is this normal? Should I wait it out or go to the doctor for a heavier dose?
Do you agree with the conservative ideas on the welfare state released today?
I am all in favour of people helping the disadvantaged and incapacitated as long as they do it with their own money, I don't want my hard earned cash supporting 14 year old mothers or heroin addicts if people want to help them do it with their own time and money, lets make contributions to welfare voluntary and see how many people really support the idea
Deciding between Jeep Liberties....?
I'd get the 2005. In the long run the depreciation has already been lost by the previous owner and is worth more to you than the 2007. Better value for your money, I think.
Why do I still feel hatred and rage towards my mother even thought she has tried to reconcile with me?
Through out my childhood my mother always yelled and screamed at me and said hurtful things as well. She was always angry at me and called me names when I did not understand something in school or when she helped me with my homework. There was constant tension, anger, impatience and frustration towards me. About 7 years ago my mother went through an emotional time dealing with her family and she started discussing mistakes she made in my childhood. She has apologized for what she has done and has told me that her anger was not because of me but I still feel rage and hatred towards her for ruining my childhood memories. Part of me wants to forgive her now that I'm older and understand how horrible her childhood was and the other part still despises her. She wants to build a new relationship with me but I still see her as that angry,cruel and bitter woman she once was. Any insights?
In the new AVP game (2010) can the predator melee attack while remaining cloaked?
What!? No form of attack should de-cloak you! That's horrible! I think I'm going to be disappointed with this game, especially after so much anticipation!
Is my BF right about MY ROUTER?
WPA2 psk and aes retain about the same amount of security, though aes is mildly more secure. Just make sure you have a good long pword that includes capitol letters and numbers (24 characters or more is recommended).
Does anyone think the Conservatives 527's are setting around doing nothing?
When all of the ads start surfacing will the Obama cult start screaming dugout canoeing, like Kerry was screaming swift boating?
What do you think of someone who does everything?
From the content of this post and your last one, it sounds like you need some mental health intervention. Look into that as soon as possible.
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