Saturday, August 6, 2011

What do you think about CIFTA?

This is really bad it is an underhanded attempt to dismantle our constitution one piece at a time the obama administration see the Constitution as a burden on them gaining total control they do not want government to be limited in any way this treaty is just an underhanded way of pushing their gun control without having to take responsibility for it and trying to avoid the political fallout that ultimately comes with gun control for instance when the 1994 ban on so called ault weapons was enacted it cost many of it's supporters their seats and was ineffective at reducing crime therefore very few of our senators and congressmen and women are dumb enough to push for gun control so the administration has found a way to backdoor this treaty to achieve their goal rather than try to p laws the traditional way they can completely byp congress and go straight to the senate and try to get this treaty ratified it is a very bad deal this treaty would give foregien dicatators like Hugo Chavez power to curb our second amendment rights as an American the last thing I want is some dictator from another country to have any say in how live my life in America as this also goes along with obama's master plan in order to become a tyranny you must first disarm the citizens so that no possibility of a revolt exist that is the first step from changing citizens into subjects it's exactly what hitler did and what obama and his drones want to do

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